Virginia Tech Wins European Solar Decathlon

The European Solar Decathlon announced Virginia Tech as the first place winner for their entry, Lumenhaus.

The CRE Solution

Architecture 2030 has released a report to address the commercial real estate (CRE) meltdown currently underway in the US. Titled "The CRE Solution," the report ties tax incentives to high-performance buildings. It is targeted to thaw the frozen CRE market, reduce foreclosures and small business failures, create building sector jobs, reduce energy consumption and emissions, and provide a robust and viable market for PACE and building efficiency revolving loan funds now being established in parts of the US.

Architecture 2030 recommends that Congress implement the ‘CRE Solution’, providing a tax deduction tied to specific energy reduction targets that will create 1.3 million jobs while restoring credit capacity and liquidity in the CRE market.

Design in Action: Inspiring Solutions for People and Cities

November 15-16, 2010 Chicago, IL

Join us for a two-day conference of inspiring ideas and practical solutions. Hear from today’s game changers who are mobilizing design to transform our world now. Learn from colleagues at leading architecture centers who are inventing new ways to solve old problems. Discuss real opportunities for collaboration. Find out who is reaching growing audiences despite the squeeze on financial resources. Rethink and energize your approach to common challenges.

Registration begins July 15, 2010

The Association of Architecture Organizations’ Annual Conference is a catalyst for international dialogue and practical learning on issues confronting design educators and leaders of nonprofit architecture centers.

Interested in leading a Conference Workshop? Learn more.

Special Pre-Conference Boot Camp:
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Don’t miss this exclusive workshop designed for start-ups and emerging architecture centers. Space is limited. For more information, please contact