GSA/NEA Call for Proposals

The General Services Administration and the National Endowment for the Arts have partnered to offer a new opportunity to perform research, analysis, and planning for a new design initiative. Please find the RFP below:

As stated in the RFP below, excellence in Federal design is not a luxury, but rather a government imperative. Quality design and effective design processes can improve the reach, efficiency and quality of government program delivery. It can enhance the quality and impact of public architecture, infrastructure, and urban design services that government provides to the American people, as it symbolizes our nation’s enduring values.
The project will aim to translate this understanding into a new initiative that enhances the General Services Administration’s commitment to design excellence, and informs the National Endowment for the Arts investments in good design, livable communities, and creative place-making. Overall the aim is to foster the precepts of “The Guiding Principles for Federal Architecture,” as well as inculcating an ethic of quality design across Federal agencies in such areas as urban design, landscape architecture, graphic design, and in public spaces generally.
This project is a partnership between the GSA and the NEA.
Please follow the link below for more information and to apply for this Federal Business Opportunity:

Proposals are due on or before 12:00pm, E.S.T., September 9, 2010.

Please note: Potential contractors must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) before being considered for award. Information concerning CCR requirements may be viewed via Internet at or by calling 1-888-227-2423.
Jason Schupbach
Design Director
National Endowment for the Arts
1100 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 729
Washington, DC 20506
p:202-682-5786 | c:202-604-3508 |f:202-682-5721

Casey Jones
Director, Design Excellence and the Arts
U.S. General Services Administration
1800 F St, NW 3341
Washington, DC 20405
[O] 202 219 3859 | [C] 202 570 1418 | [F] 202 501 3393